Saturday, July 25, 2009

mega-Prabowo be sure not attend The presidential election result

The candidates and vice president of series number 1 president, Megawati Soekarnoputri-Prabowo Subianto, is not present in the Presidential Election of 2009, Saturday (25 / 7).

DPP Chairman of the PDI-P said Arif Budimanta, both Prabowo and Mega have the rush that can not be abandoned. However, the more reluctant he mentions what a rush.

"Bu Mega and Prabowo have other duties," said Arif to, Jakarta, Saturday (25 / 7).

According to him, the team Mega-Prabowo was an internal meeting and decided only to send the team a national campaign to attend the determination of this morning. For, Arif added, the side event held by the General Elections Commission (KPU) this morning is not the result of the determination pilpres, but only the announcement.
"It has been discussed in the meeting yesterday. No we did not want to come, but this is not the determination. This announcement is only just. If the determination is after all the legal process is completed presidential election dispute. If the determination of our future," he said. should, the timkamnas who will be present, among Fadli Zon, Arif Wibowo, and Gayus Lumbuun.

Previously, the KPU Member Nurpati Andi said, until Friday (24 / 7) night, the pair of SBY-JK-Boediono and Wiranto have confirmed attendance in this event. "The pair confirmed the ordinal number 2 and number 3 series," said Andi, Thursday (24 / 7) night.

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