Thursday, July 30, 2009

Police Spread Noordin Photo on the Train

To disseminate images Noordin M Top to the public, the police stick to photograph the most sought terrorist in Indonesia in the train. Police also distributed photos to the passengers.

This just as a police officer Special Train (Polsuska) Regional Operations Five PTK KA Purwokerto, Thursday (30 / 7) train station in Purwokerto

Distribution of the image Noordin began at around 05.30. the image starts at the entrance station, KA counter platform, and the entrance of the passenger. Officers are also distributing leaflets with Noordin photos to passengers who have purchased a ticket.
Officers ago train ride to Logawa it was a layover at the station. They placed the photographs of Noordin on the glass near the passenger seat. Leaflet also be placed on the cabin wall.

"Perwira Pembina Polsuska" Daop V PT KA Purwokerto purpose Suryono the Commissioner, the distribution of photo-related efforts Noordin police chase buron major terrorism cases in Indonesia is. This step is also the case investigation as an effort to blitz Hotel JW Marriot and Ritz Carlton, July 17, strongly suspected Noordin as the mastermind.

By knowing the latest image, it is expected that there are people who know people who have the characteristics as in the photo is reported to the police.

"The train because we have a select range of knowledgeable and mobilitasnya so high that the coverage of socialization can be very knowledgeable," said Suryono.

He said, Noordin is suspected at this time are still in the area of Java, especially in Central Java. Therefore, socialization through mass transportation operating in this province to be very important.

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