Monday, July 27, 2009

two-headed baby dead

Two Headed Baby origin Indragiri Hilir (Inhil), Riau, finally exhale last breath in the Perimatologi room hospitals in the Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru on Tuesday (28 / 7) early days. "My child has died," said Badrun as quoted over the phone Berita Antara Kantor.

Two Headed child from pairs the first Badrun (33) and Nurhayati (23), people of RT 3 wilderness Raya village, District resonance, Inhil. Babies who have not given that name by his parents born in the hospitals through tembilahan caesar operation on Thursday night (23 / 7) at around 20:45 WIB.

At birth, the baby has a weight of 3200 grams, with a length of 43 centimeters. However, after obtaining intensive care for several days, the baby is male died Tuesday at around 02.00 WIB.

The condition of the baby's twin, he said, is continue to worsen and the doctors preach it to Badrun approximately at 01.00 WIB. "I say child's condition continues to worsen and the doctors had set up seven bags of blood that I do not know for what. But he said that blood was not used," he said.

He says, remains his son was brought directly to Inhil for the show with the mother. However, Badrun not deliver newspapers to the death of her son Nurhayati. "I do not know the love of his mother, afraid she will very surprised," said the men who work as a laborer this.

Meanwhile, the hospitals Arifin Achmad not yet issued official statements related to the death of two babies are identical. "Later in the gratitute akan through the press conference the morning 09.00 hours in the hospital," said the spokesperson for the team doctors from hospitals Arifin Achmad Tubagus Odih SpBA when contacted.

Baby Siamese twins is a type of "conjoined twins parapagus dicephalus tetrabrachius" which means that the twin babies with two heads, four arms, two vertebrae and the thoracic cavity which ignites.

Baby's luck is treated intensively in the room Perimatologi RSUD Pekanbaru on 24 July by a special team consisting of six medical specialists.

Previously, the team doctor RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru, on Monday (27 / 1) states the condition of the baby's two-Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir (Inhil) not passing through a critical period.

Infants during treatment require special assistance respirator (CPAP) to keep the oxygen contents in the blood.

Up to now the womb the baby is still oxygen in the bottom that should be normal 95-100 percent. In addition, before the baby can not be breastfed. Therefore, the team doctor to enter the food to the nutrition of the baby's body in the blood vessel access through the main (central vena) using the hose.

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