Sunday, August 2, 2009

Search for Merpati Aircraft also performed via Land line

search for Merpati who lost contact during a flight-route Oksibil Jayapura, Papua, on Sunday afternoon will also be done via the landline. Advanced search process will be conducted starting on Monday (3 / 8) morning.

"We pray that tomorrow sunny and there is no hindrance to the search," said the air base commander(Danlanud) Sentani, Jayapura,flight Colonel Suwandi Miharja in Jayapura, Sunday (2 / 8). The plan will begin the search Wednesday (3 / 8) morning at 07.00 WIT.

Previously, Colonel Suwandi Miharja, said the search will be conducted using a fleet of five air. Five aircraft are planned to be used in the search were from the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF), Associated Mission Aviation (AMA),"Yayasan Jasa Aviasi Indonesia"(Yajasi),Twin Otter owned by Merpati and TNI AU Casa .

Meanwhile, efforts to search via the land remain to be done with the involvement of related elements that can be relied upon as a team from the National SAR Agency (Basarnas) and also the community.

Merpati plane lost contact this numbered registration MZ 9760 and bring 12 and 3 crew. Lost in the plane trip from Jayapura to Oksibil, Star Mountain District Sunday (2 / 8) afternoon.

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