Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The police will examine the recognition of the Bomb suspect in the Internet

Wakadiv PR Mabes Polri Brigjen Pol Sulistyo Ishak said police will examine the recognition of of the name Noordin M Top as Aimir Tandzin Al Qo'idah circulating on the internet. "Still need to be inspected and demonstrated. We will not be stuck with the recognition that the truth is not yet known," he said at a press meet Mabes Polri in Jakarta, Wednesday (29 / 7).

In site-www.mediaislam, there is a statement of claim Tandzin Al Amir Qo'idah responsible for blasting Hotel JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton.

Police, according to Sulistyo, in investigations still cling to the scientific verification. "We will keep anyone against perpetrators," specifically.

When asked whether Amir Tandzin old or new network, he said that it is still in the research.

Sulistyo assert, who is also creator of the site if caught will be subject to criminal article. "SMS only can be affected criminal," specifically.

Police, Sulistyo go, stay consistent and work hard to fight against terror. "We are grateful for the communities who want to secure Indonesia," he said.


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