Wednesday, July 29, 2009

SBY not know yet the syndicate Site of Ritz-CarltonTerrorists

Recognition syndicate terrorist suicide bombs explosive in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel on Friday (17 / 7) through the site is not yet known by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

SBY ignorance concerning the site is presented Presidency Spokesperson Andi Mallarangeng Complex in the State Palace, Jakarta, wednesday (29 / 7). "It is better to ask the police. Whether it's authentic or not, all, true or not true, or new," said Andi Mallarangeng.

According to Andi, President Yudhoyono to receive reports in regard to the latest bombardment Ritz-Carlton and JW Marriott directly from Kapolri General Bambang Hendarso Danuri Pol on Monday (27 / 7) ago. "So what you have done, towards which, of course, the more the police know," he said.

He added, Kapolri has also received a referral for president reveals terror mastermind in the Hotel JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton.

"The police continue to make clear all the effort, because not all can be delivered to the public but because this is strategy. They continue to run a presidential direction to continue the investigation, pursuit, and disclosures," urainya.
Official statement of terrorist suicide bombing is called a come-from groups Tandzim Al Qo'idah Indonesia. This group claims to suicide bomb detonation on the instructions of God.

"Indeed, the implementation has been perfect Amaliyat Istisyhadiyah with the grace of God and His karomah after a serious survey and reconnaissance of the depth of the unbelievers before," wrote someone on the site

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